Theory is often seen as cynical, because it is considered as mere nonsense (talk only). On the contrary, practice is seen as extraordinary, because it is considered as real action (do more). Truly theory and practice are partners who need each other. Departing from this, the 3rd semester students majoring in Hospitality Polytechnic eLBajo Commodus implemented Pattiserie 1, making Rustie Baguettes.
Ms. Febi Marice Erni Utan, M.Par, as a lecturer in F&B Service 1 and Pattiserie 1, during her busy schedule accompanying students who were struggling with practical materials in the kitchen of this campus explained that, the aim of Pattiserie 1 was to achieve a graduation profile and prepare Human Resources (HR) professionals in the field of pastry and bakery Chef. It is expected that students can implement the material that has been obtained, so that it can be applied and add skills to students.
The practice followed by 7 eLBajo Commodus Polytechnic Students took place on Friday, September 6, 2019.