Monday, 5 August 2019
The management of the Student Executive Board (BEM) for the 2018-2019 period was inaugurated by the Politeknik eLBajo Commodus Director, represented by Deputy Director Mrs. Dyah Mustika Wardani, S.Par., M.Mpar in the eLbajo Commodus Polytechnic campus. Chairman of the elected BEM Albinus Dadu in his remarks expressed his gratitude for the trust that had been entrusted to him for holding the baton in the management of BEM. Albinus invited all BEM members to work together in realizing all the ideals and hopes of the eLbajo Commodus campus. Albinus hopes that the management eliminates individual egoism and must always be optimistic to work together and fight for the beloved BEM and eLbajo Commodus Polytechnic Campus. Furthermore, Mrs. Dyah Mustika Wardani, S.Par., M.Par as Deputy Director in her speech conveyed the profession to the elected chairmen and administrators of BEM for the period 2018-2019. Mrs. Dyah hopes that the BEM Politeknik eLBajo Commodus can run, be active and take part in every activity both internally and externally on campus. "You BEM administrators are Campus Ambassadors, for that you must maintain and carry the good name of the campus going forward". Also present were lecturers and staff working at the Politeknik eLBajo Commodus. Profession and good luck working for the administrators of the BEM 2018-2019 period