Director General of Kemenristekdikti Inaugurate eLBajo Commodus Campus Polytechnic.

Director General of Kemenristekdikti Inaugurate eLBajo Commodus Campus Polytechnic.

Labuan Bajo. - Inauguration of eLBajo Commodus Polytechnic Campus by the Director General of the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Research and Technology Dr. Ir Patdono Suwignjo M. English.Sc at the elBajo Commodus Labuan Bajo Polytechnic Campus, Kampung Lancang Kel. Wae Mosquito Net Kec. Komodo District. West Manggarai went smoothly and was full of solemnity, Friday (1/3/2019).

The eLBajo Commodus Polytechnic is designed to produce applied scholars who have knowledge and expertise in the field of hospitality at managerial level, have an international perspective, and are able to keep abreast of scientific developments related to the world hospitality industry. The field of study programs that are held are the Applied Bachelor (D4) in hospitality management, D3 in hospitality and D3 in ecotourism.

The inauguration of the eLBajo Comodus Polytechnic campus began with remarks and at the same time a public lecture by the Director General of the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Research and Technology, Dr. Ir Patdono Suwignjo M. English.Sc said that, the development of Polytechnic in Indonesia is still minimal and coupled with the interest of the community to continue their education at the Polytechnic is still lacking. Our society around 60% prefer to continue their education to the University just to pursue an academic degree designed to be a researcher rather than continuing education at the Polytechnic that is designed for skills. In fact, almost all countries with advanced industries and economies have more Polytechnics compared to universities and are supported by 60% of the community's interest to continue their education at the Polytechnic.

"The Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia would like to thank the commitment of Ms. Noviana Halim and her family at Bangkit Anak Negeri Foundation for the establishment of the elBajo Commodus Polytechnic Campus in Labuan Bajo as an effort to educate the nation through education" he said.

"at the end of February the minister's staff escorted the revitalization of (polytechnic) vocational education by sending 105 D2 and D3 graduates from the Indonesian Polytechnic to continue their studies in Taiwan, which we will then invite to Labuan Bajo to see how stretching Tourism here." concluded the Director General, concluded the Director General.

Furthermore, remarks and general lectures from the Regional Cooperative Coordinator VIII Prof. Dr. I Nengah Dasi Asahan, M. Si said that in principle the presence of elBajo Commodus Polytechnic in the Bajo labuan is like the heavenly world that is able to break down the world of Tourism.

"The progress of the elBajo Commodus Polytechnic must be assisted and guarded together by putting regional sons and daughters first to study." He said.

Ms. Novia Halim as the chairperson of the Bangkit Anak Negeri Foundation gave a speech by expressing thanks to the family, the Director General, all walks of life and bpk. Regent for the maximum support for the building of the elBajo Commodus Polytechnic Campus.

"The elBajo Commodus Polytechnic Campus is ready to provide the best for West Manggarai children so that they can compete and be ready to be placed anywhere according to their abilities and majors. The elBajo Commodus Building is a Bhineka Tunggal Ika Building, not familiar with race, religion, ethnicity and ethnicity. etc. We are all the same here, although we are still different, anyone who wants to study, elBajo Commodus Polytechnic is ready to provide the best for the nation's children ". He said

"In the future, Director General, please ask our permission to add two study programs, namely Informatics Engineering (IT) and tax management, this study program is an effort to answer the needs in Labuan Bajo in the future". He concluded.

West Manggarai Regent Drs. Agustinus Ch. In his speech, Dula expressed his gratitude to Mr. The Director General who has given permission to build this elBajo Commodus Polytechnic Campus. It is an honor for us to have the elBajo Comodus Polytechnic Campus in this area.

"With the presence of the ElBajo Commodus Polytechnic it can rival the world tourism industry. In the long run it is very useful and quality for the people of Labuan Bajo Especially in West Manggarai Regency," concluded the regent Gusti.

The signing of the inscription by the Director General of the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Research and Technology Prof. Dr. Ir Patdono Suwignjo M. English.Sc and accompanied by the Regent of West Manggarai, Coordinator of Kopertis Region VIII, the Bangkit Anak Negeri Foundation Family was the culmination of the inauguration of the elBajo Commodus campus.

Also attending the event was West Manggarai Regent. Drs. Agustinus Ch Dula, Director General of the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Research and Technology Dr. Ir Patdono Suwignjo M. English.Sc, Region VIII Kopertis Coordinator Prof. Dr. I Nengah Tie Astawan. M. Si, Group of Expert Staff of the Ministry, West Manggarai Regional Secretary, Forkompimda, OPD leadership in the scope of the Regency. West Manggarai, Chairperson of the Bangkit Foundation for Negeriku children, community leaders, students and elBajo Polytechnic students.
The event ended with a dinner together. (Sharif ab) **


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