Visitation of the Director General of Science & Technology Institutions to the Politeknik eLBajo Commodus

Visitation of the Director General of Science & Technology Institutions to the Politeknik eLBajo Commodus

Friday, March 23, 2018, at exactly 5 pm, a team from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education arrived at Komodo Airport in order to visit and monitor the preparation of the Politeknik eLBajo Commodus campus.

Dr. Ir. Patdono Suwignjo, M.Eng.Sc., Director General of Science and Technology Institution and Higher Education, accompanied by Drs. Sudarsono, Head of Sub-Directorate of Higher Education Vocational Program Development, and several other ministry team members were welcomed by the Regent of West Manggarai, Drs. Agustinus Ch. Dula, Kopertis Region VIII Coordinator, Prof. Dr. I Nengah Dasi Astawa, as well as administrators of the Bangkit Anak Negeriku Foundation. The welcoming procession was carried out in a traditional manner by one of the traditional leaders and a team from the Department of Tourism and Culture of West Manggarai Regency by handing over chickens and tuak as well as wearing a shawl with the Manggarai motif as a symbol of receiving an honored guest.

After resting in the Komodo Airport VIP room, the Ministry of Research and Higher Education team immediately inspected the campus construction site in the Lancang area to check the physical readiness of the Politeknik eLBajo Commodus building. Then the event continued with a meeting and brief discussion at the Jayakarta Hotel related to vocational education directions. In his presentation, Dr. Ir. Patdono Suwignjo, M.Eng.Sc. said that establishing a Tourism Polytechnic in priority tourism destination areas was in line with the central program because Labuan Bajo was included in the 10 "Bali Baru" established by the Ministry of Tourism. In addition, he also emphasized that in establishing higher education institutions, it was necessary to pay attention to the availability of lecturers (one study program as many as 6 permanent lecturers) as well as land and infrastructure readiness, namely the existence of campus buildings with adequate classrooms and other supporting facilities needed.

Patdono also emphasized that there should be no unemployed Polytechnic graduates. "In addition to diplomas, Polytechnic graduates will get competency certificates issued by the Professional Certification Institute (LSP). Currently industrial companies will usually see the certificate. " he stressed. In addition, according to Patdono, the concept of dual system education (dual system) from Germany will also be adopted in 2019 which applies 50% of learning on campus and 50% of internship practices in industry. Another concept that can be applied also to the vocational curriculum is the 3 + 2 + 1 system, which is three active semesters on campus, two practice semesters in industry, and one final semester on campus or industry.